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Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic Acid

Customer rating: 4.9 out of 5
Availability: In Stock 83 packs
Active ingredient: Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic Acid has an important value for life activity of an organism. Participates in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood coagulation, normal permeability of capillaries (of smallest vessels), formations of steroid hormones, synthesis of collagen and procollagen. Increases resistance of an organism to infections. It is prescribed at avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis of C, hemorrhagic diathesis, intoxication and diseases of GIT.

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Ascorbic Acid 500mg

Package Per pill Total price Save Order
500mg × 1 Pills $0.05 $0.05 $0.26
500mg × 120 Pills $0.31 $37.33 + Bonus - 7 Pills -
500mg × 240 Pills $0.26 $61.34 + Bonus - 11 Pills $12.00
500mg × 300 Pills $0.24 $73.33 + Bonus - 11 Pills $21.00

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Ascorbic acid product description

Ascorbic acid or C vitamin is a vitamin that is recommended for using not only during a cold but also for the prevention of various viral infections. This valuable substance allows strengthening the human immune system, which makes the body resist various diseases better.

Deficiency of vitamin C can adversely affect human health. Determine the deficiency of ascorbic acid can be by the following features:

• the hair ends cut, the curls dry;

• gums bleed when cleaning teeth;

• skin peels, regardless of the season;

• people perceive information worse, memory gets worse;

• pain in joints and weakness in the muscles;

• feeling of weakness during the day;

• immunity weakens, as a result, a person often suffers from an illness.

Use of Ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid is a biologically active substance that is actively involved in virtually all processes of life. Its deficit leads to a general deterioration of health, because of weakening the immune system, a person is often subjected to viral, colds.

This drug performs many functions, useful for health:

• Allows the body to absorb the iron coming from it better;

• Stimulates the work of the liver, actively participates in oxidative-reduction reactions occurring in the body.

• Allows you to synthesize hormones of the thyroid gland.

• Accelerates the process of healing wounds.

• Strengthens bones and teeth prevents gum bleeding.

• Significantly strengthens the immune system, due to which the body at any time of the year perfectly "protects" against viruses, infections.

Ascorbic acid has the following cosmetic effect

• Actively blocks the production of the free radical dermis, which allows the skin to remain elastic as long as possible;

• Helps assimilate other important substances of the body - iron, proteins, and fats;

• allows you to get rid of pigmentation, level the tone of the dermis, return the face to freshness, pleasant healthy shine;

• Effectively narrows the pores, copes with black dots of the T-zone.

• Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants. It is not surprising that it is considered an excellent tool in combating the first signs of aging skin.

Ascorbic acid - safety information

Ascorbic acid is characterized by strong diuretic effects. If you take it, don’t forget to drink more water, as usual.

It has already been noted that vitamin C allows the body to absorb iron more easily. Therefore, taking ascorbic acid with caution is necessary for those who suffer from hemochromatosis. If you use too much Ascorbic acid, there is a likelihood that the blood will increase the level of sugar. Ascorbic acid is not recommended for use during the course of chemotherapy. It should be carefully used during pregnancy, lactation. It has been proven that if the expectant mother intakes a lot of ascorbic acids, the child will experience an acute deficiency, often be ill.

Ascorbic acid expansion: what to do in such situation

Poisoning with ascorbic acid is practically impossible. There is no vitamin C in the body. Everything that comes in is immediately spent, and the kidneys remove the surplus.

Symptoms of ascorbic acid overdose:

• Heartburn;

• Severe nausea;

• urticarial (severe allergic reaction);

• The appearance of stones in the kidneys, the urine appears impurities of blood.

In case of overdose, stop taking the drug and seek medical advice.

Ascorbic acid - side effects

Ascorbic acid can bring harm very rarely. If you know several nuances of using vitamin C, remember the main reservations, troubles can easily be avoided.

It is important to understand that, despite the relative "safety" of ascorbic acid, it cannot be consumed in large quantities. Studies have shown that excess of vitamin C can adversely affect the work of the heart, and provoke stomach diarrhea.

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