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Customer rating: 4.9 out of 5
Availability: In Stock 101 packs
Active ingredient: Pentoxifylline

Trental - is an angioprotector, which improves blood microcirculation. It is prescribed for the treatment of circulatory disorders of various etiologies.

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Trental 400mg

Package Per pill Total price Save Order
400mg × 60 Pills $0.74 $44.24 + Bonus - 4 Pills -
400mg × 90 Pills $0.64 $57.60 + Bonus - 7 Pills $9.00
400mg × 120 Pills $0.59 $70.97 + Bonus - 7 Pills $18.00
400mg × 180 Pills $0.54 $97.69 + Bonus - 11 Pills $36.00
400mg × 270 Pills $0.51 $137.76 + Bonus - 11 Pills $62.10
400mg × 360 Pills $0.49 $177.85 + Bonus - 11 Pills $90.00

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Trental Product Description

Drug Uses

Trental is a vasoactive agent prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in adults. Trental helps to improve function of peripheral vascular due to reduction of blood viscosity, increase in the concentration of oxygen in the blood and increase of microcirculatory blood flow in lower extremity.

By improving the flow properties of blood, Trental helps quickly relieve symptoms and signs of peripheral vascular disease, including "rest pain", trophic ulcers and intermittent claudication.

Trental effectively alleviates the symptoms and signs of PAD, but does not affect the underlying cause of impaired blood flow; therefore, this drug should not be used in lieu of definitive local treatment of PAD.

To relieve pain and discomfort caused by PAD, the standard dose of Trental is 1200mg per day in three divided doses. Each Trental dose should be taken with, or immediately after the main meals.

Missed Dose

In case, you remember that you have missed a dose of Trental, look if it is not close to the time for your next dose. If it is not, you may use a tablet. In other case skip the missed dose of Trental and return to your assigned dosing regimen without doubling the dose of this vasoactive agent.

More Information

If the maximum daily dose of Trental 1200mg causes serious psychiatric and / or gastrointestinal side effects, the total daily dose should be reduced to 800 mg (in two divided doses). If the intensity and frequency of adverse events are not decreased after the reduction of Trental dose up to 800mg per day, the use of this medication should be discontinued.


Keep Trental in an original container in order to protect the tablets from moisture and light. The recommended temperature of Trental storage is between 15°C and 30°C.

Trental Safety Information


Patients with severe coronary artery disease (CAD), impairment of kidney or liver function, and / or all grades of hypertension should take Trental pills with caution. These groups of patients should be prescribed with the minimal effective dose of Trental.


Data about peripheral vascular disease published in Trental review is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical help or advice of a qualified healthcare practitioner. The online pharmacy is not liable for any kind of damages or loss, which may arise from incorrect using of the information about Trental vasoactive agent.

Trental Side Effects

Adverse reactions that Trental may cause usually depend on the dose and disappear quickly. Most often, this vasoactive agent causes gastrointestinal adverse reactions, such as nausea, bloating, dyspepsia, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea or vomiting. In addition, Trental tablets may cause dizziness, headache, flushing, light-headedness or malaise. Cases of refusal to use Trental vasoactive agent for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease are very rare reported.

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