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Customer rating: 4.9 out of 5
Availability: In Stock 130 packs
Active ingredient: Finasteride

Finpecia - potent pharmaceutical agent aimed to cure an illness named alopecia, of an androgenic as well as a hereditary genesis. Moreover, it stops the manifestation of various maladies deteriorating the advancement of the follicles and other difficulties connected with baldness.

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Finpecia 1mg

Package Per pill Total price Save Order
1mg × 30 Pills $0.71 $21.33 + Bonus - 4 Pills -
1mg × 60 Pills $0.56 $33.61 + Bonus - 4 Pills $9.00
1mg × 90 Pills $0.49 $44.07 + Bonus - 7 Pills $19.80
1mg × 120 Pills $0.45 $54.53 + Bonus - 7 Pills $31.20
1mg × 180 Pills $0.42 $75.47 + Bonus - 11 Pills $52.20
1mg × 270 Pills $0.40 $106.86 + Bonus - 11 Pills $83.70
1mg × 360 Pills $0.38 $137.36 + Bonus - 11 Pills $118.80

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Product description

Finpecia (finasteride) is intended to cure DHT and hair loss in males. It is proven by the studies that this product causes the growing of new hair and stops the development of alopecia.

DHT also can be a reason an enlargement in the prostate, which leads to a weakening of the strength of the urine flow and other concomitant features. Such illness is called benign prostatic hypertrophy. The use of this product can reduce the diameter of the prostate in the person suffering from this disease, which, in turn, causes to relieve urination. This drug can interfere with the activeness of the enzyme type 2 of the fifth alpha-reductase, which promotes the transformation of testosterone into its active form of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Thus finasteride reduces the level of DHT in the scalp of the head of the person and encourages the preservation of hair on the head intact and safe.

According to the statistics of specialists, the people who took the tool for five years of testing, the following results were found:

After 2 years of taking this remedy: 99% of men noted a complete cessation of hair loss, among these patients 66% of men felt the growth of new hair on the spot dropped out.

After 5 years of taking this medication:

  • 90% of men noted quite positive results in their hair condition: either they stopped their loss completely, or the new growth in place dropped out;
  • Two out of three men noted the growth of new hair on their heads;
  • In the majority of persons, a meaningful improvement in hair condition was detected, which was confirmed directly by therapists
  • The majority of patients have confirmed that their balds/bumps became much smaller in diameter or disappeared completely.

Dosing and Administration

As for taking the drugs, it is necessary to consult a doctor before the doctor can appoint Finpecia (Finasteride). Adult males who use this medicine as a remedy for hair loss, the professional may prescribe to take 1 mg (equal to 1 table) per day. The result of the process can be seen not immediately, but in most occasions after three or more months of use. If you stop taking this drug, then you will drop all the hair that has grown in the last 9-12 months. The measurement for healing urinary troubles caused by BPH differs, and on some occasions, people suffering from this disease are taken 5 mg per day.

Safety information

This drug is not suitable for women and children. It is intended for adult men only.

Pregnant women should avoid contact with the drug. Since a small amount of the drug can be absorbed into the blood through the skin, which can lead to harm to the health of the unborn child.

Side effects

The use of Finpecia (finasteride) can cause side conditions in some patients, including impotence, coryza, chest pain; breast augmentation, pain in the testicles.

Inform your therapist of any reactions you may get. Remember that with severe side effects, you will need emergency medical attention.

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